Canadian Geographic Education


A Nation Takes Shape: Canada and the First World War Tiled Map

The First World War (FWW) affected the lives of millions of Canadians and the changes it wrought across Canada are still being felt today. Canadian Geographic (CG) Education, with the support of Parks Canada, has created this educational package to help your students understand the impact and influence of the FWW on Canada.

The educational package contains the first tiled map offered by Can Geo Education. Entitled ‘A Nation Takes Shape: Canada and the First World War’ the map is designed to take students back to the turn of the 20th century, a time when Canada was still a Dominion, Newfoundland was a separate entity, and women couldn’t vote.

You can print the 24 pages of the map in either colour or black and white. When you assemble the map and follow the 10 associated activities, your students will discover the major transportation routes, training facilities, internment camps, wartime hubs, the role of women during the war and more.

Download the tiled map:

A Nation Takes Shape: Canada and the First World War map

Download the associated activities:

Or, you may download the Teachers’ Guide and all activities in one PDF

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